Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hierarchy of Controls on the Road [corrected]

Brooklyn Dodger argues that evidence based interventions based on the hierarchy of controls are needed to reduce traffic injuries. The most dangerous conditions for fatalities are rural, two lane roads. Probably speeding on curved roads going down hill at night in the rain would be the highest of the high risk. Strict enforcement of speed limits in rural areas would be as popular as gun control. There will still be curves in the road, night will fall and the weather will be bad, and freeways won’t go everywhere. What to do?

This study demonstrates a low cost control, rumble strips down the center line. Why didn’t the Dodger think of that? Why doesn’t someone install them? Where are the National Safety Council and Department of Transportation?

Paraphrased abstract:

Vehicles crossing the centerline and either sideswiping or striking the front ends of opposing vehicles account for about 20% all fatal crashes on rural two-lane roads and result in about 4500 fatalities annually in the US. Data were analyzed for approximately 210 miles roads in seven states before and after installation of centerline rumble strips. Significant reductions for all injury crashes combined, 14%, as well as for frontal and opposing-direction sideswipe injury crashes, 25%, were observed.


Accident Analysis & Prevention Volume 36, Issue 6 , November 2004, Pages 1073-1079

Crash reduction following installation of centerline rumble strips on rural two-lane roads

Bhagwant N. Persaud , , a, Richard A. Rettingb and Craig A. Lyona a Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Canada M5B 2K3b Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 1005 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22201, USA Received 2 December 2003; Revised 12 March 2004; accepted 17 March 2004. Available online 20 June 2004.

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